For being an English cartoon...

They kinda capture an Americanized fictional world pretty good. Aren't the majority of the VAs British too(with the exception of the VAs for Gumball, Darwin and Anais, I believe)? You would've never thought they were, they capture American speak pretty flawlessly. Super kudos to the VAs and the writers/art directors!!!


I agree! Yes, all the characters are voiced by British actors/actresses except the Watterson children. Although from time to time British accents could slip through!

I'm legalizing everything!--Mabel Pines



^I've seen it used a lot in amusement parks and hotels.



Why wouldn't you?



Yeah, it's a British-American show, but it seems more American, than anything (to appeal to a wider audience?).

Okay...No, it's not okay!


They also called a GPS a SatNav and I've only heard British people say that.



I swear that in one episode that a GPS device measures the distance in meters (through the U.S. hasn't officially adopted the metric system). Also some of the advertisments at the supermarket use commas instead of decimals when displaying the prices. And the dollar sign is after the price!

I'm bonkers for eating you alive!


huh.. I always thought it was Canadian, so it all seemed normal to me..


since the creator is half french half british it may feel canadian, i guess this is were the cats and rabbits marriage came from.

i mostly will not be able to answer your reply, since marissa mayer hacked my email, no notification


Well to me, English and American have been pretty much interchangeable with the fact that they get each other shows, and the like. Even with the odd word that is different, a person from each country would normally know what you meant.


Well, considering it's a British-American show created by a French-British animator in London, England. I'm surprised, and not surprised at the same time. Many American/Canadian shows are shown in Europe and vice-versa. The whole cast speak their lines with an American accent perfectly. Not easy to do (Read interviews of Hugh Laurie on his character, Gregory House).
