Why so much pornography?

Don't get me wrong, I admire Lans as a director but...

Why so raw and extended pornographic scenes? I don't think it added anything to the drama and I don't think they were that necessary. On the contrary, I felt they were tiring and overdrawn. It looked more like an attempt to provoke and attract interest than add to quality. Sth like Irreversible. (Ok, we all know we saw it for the scene with Monica getting sodomized...)

Some people confuse art with provocation beyond the limits of aesthetics... Thats the type of audience Lans was targeting, in my opinion...


I haven't hardly seen any of his stuff but, I've seen art films. This is another one of his art films, I am assuming.

http://www.cgonzales.net & http://www.drxcreatures.com


Intercourse =/= pornography. And the sex scenes themselves are few and far between.

I'm having trouble with a patient of mine; he's a teenage drug addict who's being molested. By me.


Intercourse =/= pornography. And the sex scenes themselves are few and far between.
Exactly. I knew nothing about this film before seeing Part I last night, and I would say it is...sexually frank. But what are people objecting to? Shots of a man going down on a woman for a bit? Shots of a woman going down on a man for a bit? That's the human body, and that's the story.

We are in the 21st Century now. Not every movie is going to be like this, but a few will be. And actually, the 2006 American release Shortbus was more graphic than this one...and with a cast of unknowns, didn't use body doubles, either.

So, it's not like this more explicit sexual style is coming out of the blue.

(Now that I think of it, Shortbus is a superior film to this one, in most ways.)

At any rate, it's not like anything in Part I is actually very shocking. It's just..."European".



don't mean to be a spelling nazi, but his name is lars, not lans.

now about the "porn" scenes, i didn't think they were too explicit and there aren't as many of them as i expected to (from all the buzz about this being almost porn).

i have a question: you watched irreversible because you wanted to watch monica being sodomized? as in the most horrifying rape scene ever on screen? jeez, and you were shocked by nympho's sex scenes :s


You choose to watch a film titled Nymphomaniac and are surprised by the nudity and sex scenes? What did you expect? It was rated NC-17 and the Parents Advisory gave a list of the various sex scenes.


Why are people so surprised when a movie about sex has sex scenes in it? When a movie is violent it can have heads exploding and body parts flying but no one complains about that. I thought the movie was good, not great. I thought the story was told in a very deep, heartfelt way and there was more talking than anything. Some sex scenes I did find erotic but some not. It's just a movie that happens to have sex in it, whether it be graphic or not. And I also second Shortbus. That movie definitely surpasses this one in production and use of sexual intercourse.

"They say hunger is the best spice" - Spike


I don't think the ones that are disgusted, or think that the sex scenes are over done, or are boring, need to take a step back, and try to understand the character "Joe" What it means to BE a nymphomaniac. Try to get into her head, to FEEL. I, for one, thought this was artistically and acted and directed well done. My biggest shock was the finish.


You are wrong, OP

When I watched "Irreversible" I didn't knew about the rape scene. All I knew it was a good film, shocking and different. I was on Film School and I was very young. Of course, no spoilers from anyone.
I've made the terrible mistake to bring my mom to the theatre with me. I still regret it, but I didn't knew.

And yes, his name is LARS.

Now I would like to ask all of you who have seen this film, the sex scenes on "Nymphomaniac", are real?
I haven't watched this film yet, because I don't want to watch porn, real sex on screen. The porn ruined "Caligula" for me.

Thanks in advance.

Please excuse my terrible redaction, english is not my native language.


Why so raw and extended pornographic scenes?
Did you really get aroused by all the sex scenes? Because that's what porn is. I didn't get turned on one bit by the sex here.

This movie uses real sex [ie the opposite of porn] as an integral part of the character study. The violence almost ruined "Caligula" for me.

I don't want to watch porn, real sex on screen
That's confusing, the way you have two opposites in there. Anyway, there's no porn, it's all real sex without love, not remotely arousing.


The first sentence you quoted is not mine, is from OP.

For me, porn is not something that turned me on, maybe because I'm a female, and I'm from a different culture than most of IMDb users (northamericans and europeans). For me, real life-sex on screen equals porn, it is defined by being real or not. I don't have troubles as I said before, with erotic content as long as the script is well written, the scenes are well directed and well acted, and if it's relevant to the story. And of course, as long as it is fake. Like the horror movies, they are fake, no one actually dies.
I don't want to watch having sex.

So, I don't think it's confusing at all, thank you for your answer, this movies does contain porn (real sex without love). So bad, I wanted to watch Christian Slater, but all the porn think I found so overrated, boring and sometimes it is disgusting.

Please excuse my terrible redaction, english is not my native language IMDb = Catch-22


The life of the main character turns around sex! I'm surprise there was not even more sex scenes!!!

The narrative, the exchange between charlotte and Stellan was intelligent.
Personally I'm not been provoked by a lot.


Look at it this way, if this were a film about gluttony as opposed to nymphomania but contained only simulated eating, that would be something of a cop-out, wouldn't it? See how laughable this is? It's just sex.


I could not believe what I was watching. I stopped watching at the 2nd scene where the girl did something to the older guy because it showed actual real sex between the characters.

When did hardcore porn become legal for an 18 certificate film? I am appalled.
