Shia Leboeuf's accent

I found his painful struggling to do an English accent very distracting. He seems to think we all sound like Australians! But every so often it would veer off briefly into London.

I don't know if it it's a difficult accent to do for Americans, but he sure makes it seem so.


It is painful indeed. It hurts my ears and English isn't even my first language. He slips into Australian sometimes but just generally thinks he can do it by speaking in a lower tone. Was there no one on set to tell him?


He slips into Australian sometimes

Maybe he was channelling Liam Hemsworth 

In the trivia it says: "Liam Hemsworth turned down the part of Jerôme."


What about Christian Slater's? Not saying it was necessarily worse or better, but at times he seemed to not even be trying at it


Not trying is better than trying too hard, in this context!

"Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?!"


It is horrific. I came here as soon as I heard it!

I'm not sure yet if there's a reason revealed why the character HAS to be English - but either cast somebody from London, or let him use his own accent!

When he tries to say more than one or two words, it's downright comical... I hope he's not in the film for long!

"Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?!"


It is fairly difficult for us in that there are a lot of complexities within each accent and then there are myriad British, even myriad English accents which can be hard for us to keep straight. Personally I struggle with knowing how to "English-up" sounds in the correct context. I'll offer an example where a friend of mine was trying to imitate an English accent to an actual Englishman, who then corrected him on some of his pronunciations. My friend pronounced the word "splash" with the rounded A sound, as in "garden." He was quickly corrected and discovered the English pronounce "splash" essentially the same way we do.
