MovieChat Forums > Now Is Good (2012) Discussion > When it comes to the characters

When it comes to the characters

Were you able to still love them in the end?

Like, I flippin hated the mom but when she was with Tessa and she was bleeding like mad and she was freaking out I started to understand why she stood away since she is sort of the opposite of the dad. The dad wanted to be there for every procedure and nose bleed and you saw what it did to him, and I think she sort of... well it's like seeing a corpse of someone you love. You don't want that to be the last image of them I guess.



When it comes to the mom at first I didn't like her that much, but after she witnessed the nose bleed and realized she didn't know anything about what her daughter has gone through she began to change, and I ended up liking her.

With dad I think I have a very opposing view than most people that watched the movie. I actually have conflicting feelings towards the character, at times I didn't like how obsessive he was with keeping everything Tessa had (like when he called her a monster for wrecking her room after the doctor told her she had very little time left) or wanting Tessa to be only with him. It was as if he mostly thought of what he was suffering or would suffer with her death but didn't stop to think of what she was going through, but I also felt bad for him because I understood that he was trying so hard to not lose her and to spend as much time as possible with his daughter.

I liked Tessa from the beginning, but I found her to be too hard on her dad. After a while I understood why though. What I liked most of Tessa was her sarcasm, and that she didn't become a saintlike and perfect character just because she was dying, like most characters I've seen in cancer movies. She was flawed, sometimes too harsh with the ones that loved her, not accepting or allowing them to feel pity for themselves when she is the one dying.


Tessa was pretty annoying almost all the time. Yes, she was sick, but it got old. Also, she oscillated. She was annoyed with and rude to her father almost the whole time, but then she brought the boy she was dating home to meet her father. Why? This isn't the 1950s, they didn't need to have a talk or get approval. It seemed out of character. Unless she was just doing it to mess with her dad, but she could have done that in lots of other ways.


I never thought it was about "loving the characters." There probably isn't a good way to die young, in a gradual, inevitable manner. I am interested in the question "Were the characters realistic, and did the actors create interesting characters?"

And my own answer is YES. As the story unfolded I found myself, who happens to be a father of three daughters, thinking Tessa was too abrasive towards others, especially her parents. But as I thought more about it, teenagers are usually that way anyhow, and add to that a teenager preparing herself for death in a few weeks. When the movie was over I felt all the characters were honest and realistic as they could be within a fictional story.

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