MovieChat Forums > Now Is Good (2012) Discussion > Very good, but very sad.

Very good, but very sad.

I love this movie. Dakota Fanning is so good as Tessa Scott. Fanning has developed into a fine young actress. She can play any role. Seriously. What a multi-talented lady :)

This movie is very good. It shows exactly what families go through when a loved one is diagnosed with leukaemia and how difficult they find it to cope with the illness, especially when it becomes terminal and the patient decides to stop treatment. It demonstrates that we all must appreciate life and what we have because it can all be gone in a flash. So, do the things you can whilst you are young because you can say 'I actually tried it, even if it didn't work out the first time.' Life is too short to have regrets. Make the most of everything and enjoy it!

It is very sad because you learn whilst watching the movie that Tessa has requested to stop treatment, which has a profound impact on her recovery. Tessa asks a doctor/ nurse what will happen to her body. She is told that her immune system will collapse and she will drift in and out of consciousness. That was probably the saddest part for me. Seeing the decline and watching her get weaker. It broke my heart. There was also a scene where Tessa was getting ready to go on a date with Adam, the boy next door. She was getting something out of the bathroom cupboard when she suddenly started having a really bad nosebleed. Tessa put her hand over her face, but the blood kept coming. Her mother was unsure of what to do, questioning whether or not she should call her father. The blood was going everywhere. It broke my heart when Adam saw Tessa like that. He was frozen with shock and had never seen her that ill before, that helpless. Luckily, she went to hospital to get the nosebleed treated and to feel more comfortable. Dakota acted this scene brilliantly. It was very sad. There are so many sad parts in this movie. Too many more to mention.

I do love this movie. I really do.

