Really Good

I had the random fortune of getting tickets to the premier in Paris for this tonight and I must say, I really enjoyed it. As an American English speaker living in Paris, it was a really nice movie of the two worlds colliding.

Not as good as the first one, but I think I liked it better than the second!


each movies are pieces of a same magnificient puzzle of life,laughts,emotions...
one of our finest director achieves a beautiful trilogy. merci mr klapisch


Agree with you! I really like this one, not quite as the first one, but a lot more than the second.




How necessary is it to see the first two? Would it make connecting to the characters easier by seeing the other two?


You'll have more background understanding of them characters, but it really stands on own just as good (I guess (see I can't be sure having seen the first two)).


Not a Great film with a capital G (the talks with his editor were pretty cringe worthy), but very fun, for sure. I'd recommend it.
