Maps I Absolutely Detest

I *beep* hate Bakaara and Interchange. I kinda hate mission because it's an FMG9 fest.


You just named my favorite maps. Only maps bigger than a box.

I abhor you...with every foolish thing, that you say.


Its easier just to say the maps I DO like. Dome, Seatown & Hardhat.

The rest I DETEST!

No one knows what it means, but its provocative


Resistance is the bane of my COD existence. It's pretty and the French narrator isn't bad either, but there are just so, so many pockets made for campers, I've got to wonder what Sledgehammer was thinking. You can't move around in that map without being cacked by someone hiding behind a gate, or behind a rail or patio, or behind a window sill, or in a little room with few entrances, or peaking up over a stairway, or behind cars...


All of them. Except maybe Underground. MAYBE.
My least favourite map on Battlefield 3 is still big enough to fit all of MW3's in it. IW really screwed this game up.


I don't really like any of them. There are ones I hate more than others the maps in mw2 were better

