MovieChat Forums > Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (2011) Discussion > Treyarch and Infinity Ward to work in ta...

Treyarch and Infinity Ward to work in tandem on future CODs... ty-Ward-Collaborating-on-Future-Call-of-Dutys.html

Apparently so, fellow gamers.

Though, as you might read in the comments, especially #4 (yours truly) I think this reads as "Infinity Ward embarrassed by latest game, cling to Treyarch to help fix things".


This combination actually sounds great, if both parties put forward the right people. IW's create-a-class and Spec Ops + Treyarch's game balance and smoother overall features might be the combination the series could have used years ago.

In other words, IW's thinkers and 3arc's doers.

Since they won't be alternating turns, does that mean COD won't be an annual release anymore? Here's hoping they could produce one awesome COD that could last a few years without needing a sequel. Unfortunately, they might try to keep it alive with constant, price-gouging map packs.



IW's create-a-class and Spec Ops + Treyarch's game balance and smoother overall features

Wait, what? IW create a class has nothing on Treyarch's, treyarch had better balance, also had a working, awesome theatre and zombies.

MW3 brought back quick scoping which I like having.

Quite simply to make a game that most people will like just remove all the crap that makes honest players rage quit. By honest I mean people that aren't using RC cars with commando. n00b tubes, danger close and one man army for refills.

Just remove the things that cause people to die when they shouldn't.
I don't think anyone minds being killed when they have been bested, outgunned, out maneuvered but noboby enjoys some c<nt running through their bullets and knifing them or running around with a n00b tube out constantly and firing a grenade ten feet from you and killing you.

I truely believe that there are a lot more honest players playing cod than c>nts, sure some people are loud on their mics and need to be muted for playing the Rocky soundtrack and others hack and cheat but what Cod don't seem to realise is that it's the honest players that will keep paying for things, prestige editions, maps, elite etc.

If the next Cod is riddled with the same crap that makes me rage then it will be the last Cod game I buy and I'm sure a lot of other people feel the same way.

Look at Fifa, apart from the odd referee mistake it is a very balanced game. Best performance normally wins the match.


I was just trying to give IW some kind of credit. What I like about MW3 is t he ability to give each loadout its own killstreak (oops I mean pointstreak oops I mean strike package), and the fact that grenades now count as equipment, so Claymores are much less common since most people want grenades.

If a game designed by Treyarch had a create-a-class as tight as that, it would be the perfect cod.

Agree with everything else ya said though.



4-3. That is all.

Emile Heskey approves this message.


Damn it, where is the like button on IMDb?
