O/T: Hmmm, interesting.


When I first heard about this, I wasn't too interested about it, but I think my mind has been changed.

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Seems to be moving too far away from what made it great. I mean, what are you going to be climbing and free-running over now? Trees? Woop-de-f##k. And there's no sign of the signature assassin's blade either.
I know it's only a CG trailer with probably little-to-no bearing on the final product, but still...


All I meant was that I heard they were making it for this year and I thought they were going in the Call of Duty direction, as in making the same game with a little update in looks, because they have done that since AC2, and that is why I wasn't interested by it (I still haven't finished revelations and I've had that since it came out.)

Now that I've seen that they have changed things around, it has made me more interested in it so I will be keeping an eye on it until it comes out. But, I have a creeping feeling that they will do a similar thing as to what they did after AC2 and release 1 or 2 games to follow on after AC3 (In other words, milk the cow a.k.a the Activision effect.)

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Revelations barely did anything for me apart from getting to see Altair's life after AC1 unfold. Ezio was feeling a little overdone by Brotherhood, in my opinion. And the Desmond sequences were pretty boring as well.
Think I'll wait for Christmas or my birthday again to get this one, like I did with Revelations.
In other news, FIFA 12 is still £30 everywhere I look...


You can easily trade something in towards it, like a bunch of games you don't play.

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What the devil are you on about, I play everything I own. I don't have games collecting dust because I only play Battlefield and Mass Effect, what are you talking about? Lies, conspiracy!


When did you play Dead Island last?

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Bare time ago, sold it!
