I'm Back!

Hello ladies and gentlemen! Shadegirl3 here is back on the boards. Hows everyone doing? Still rage trolling for fun? Me too.

Don't read this! Too late, you're cursed...



I thought I'd get back into the community here..been a while since I last posted. still got moo, rich, noonemark, and the others around so...yay

Don't read this! Too late, you're cursed...


i keep being referred to as "the others" -.-

Hahahah so yeah basically I guess that means you're reading my sig right now.


I call you by name, Danny, that should be all you need. <3


Its been quite a while since I was on these boards... I'm finishing up my college classes so I should be on more frequently eventually.

Don't read this! Too late, you're cursed...



How had I not heard this incredible Westlife song before. (Sarcasm)
It's amazing what you find when you look for a video of someone in a film saying She's Back.

