Juno Temple

I love her. The only reason I watched this. She is gorgeous.


Yeah, she is pretty darn cute.
I don't mean to impose, but I am the Ocean.


she dances like a stripper. looks good in lingerie. nice skin.




i thought the story was interesting but juo was definitely the push to see the film :)
she was also great in cracks and kaboom and basically every movie she's in though i've yet to see 'dirty girl'.. :\


She's so hot and fun to watch, I love her!

When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...


I just think she's very talented. I didn't think about her appearance.


Love Juno Temple. saw this movie on vacation and bought it.



She is my latest crush. Really, she is beyond gorgeous and sexy. Loooove her.

I don't do too much talking these days



I personally think she is average looking (in the face, at least. Her body is something to be envious of) but she has superb acting skills. There was one part in the movie where she was looking at someone with such hatred that it even made me feel uncomfortable.
