MovieChat Forums > The Brass Teapot (2013) Discussion > The teapot didn't make them nasty

The teapot didn't make them nasty

These two were horrible even before they got the teapot.. They may have acted all sweet and innocent but they had both cheated on each other and seemed to feel no guilt about it.


No one says the pot makes them evil. It is stated that it brings the worst out of people.


"makes them evil" and "brings the worst out" is pretty much the same thing. You kinda sound stupid.


Childish reply. There is a difference between making someone evil and bringing out the worst of someone who is (as we all are) an admixture of good and bad tendencies.

If you can't understand that, perhaps you shouldn't be calling other people names that more rightly apply to you.

It's possible to have a discussion without being an azzwipe. You should try it.


No, in the context of the OP, it's the same. You're the one misunderstanding the point. It's ok to give childish replies to childish thinking.


You're too stupid to be allowed on the Internet. Read a book once in a while.


Read a book? WTF are you talking about? Try having a point that, you know, has some relevance.


Making someone evil means to force them to do things they wouldn't normally have done. Bringing out the worst means things that they already were already capable.


Yeah they are definitely two different things, I agree.


They were unlikable to begin with.
