I is for INgrown

i recently watched the movie....three times to be exact and i really liked it for what it is.. some were creepy some made me thing some were just so out there they were humorous. but the letter i is one im having trouble understanding.Anyone have any thoughts??



I came here looking for the same answer. As visually powerful as 'I' was, how did it relate to ingrown? Maybe he injected her with something..? The infection or whatever the hell it was... Grew?


Well isn't this amusing!

I came here for the exact same reason, hoping to get some light shone on what the heck was "Ingrown"... I had been banking on "Injection" throughout



Injection! Never thought of that! I thought that it would be I is for Infidelity. I imagined that she was a cheating spouse, and her husband killed her for it. This was the only one that appealed to me in the film.


At the end of the short the camera looks at her wedding ring so I took it that the guy that killed her was her husband because of issues that were 'ingrown' in their marriage. Like over time they grew to hate eachother. So, it's a play on words. That's how I took it at least.

Flower power is too much for the dragonzord!


He injected her with drain-cleaner. The credits for this particular short made a point to mention the thousands of women killed in Mexico each year.
Perhaps it's in relation to that.


That may be the case..
The title as a social commentary, with the "Ingrown" being the widespread happening of similar situations all over Mexico.


I came here looking for answers to "I" (no pun intended), thanks! 10/10

Look at the night sky, where does it end?


I think it's because, as she explains, she hasn't been brought there; it's her home. The setup makes it look like she's been kidnapped by a stranger and tied up there, but in actual fact, it's her family and her home. So she hasn't been thrown into the situation, it's been 'ingrown'. Perhaps?


If this and 90% of the other shorts had decent screenwriters, there would be no confusion. The problem with this film in general is that these folks might be good with a camera but they are absolutely $hitty storytellers.


They're $hitty storytellers because what they create for a 5 minute short makes you think, and/or isnt blatantly in your face? I don't understand your logic.



Would injecting someone with car oil kill them like that? It looked like she was suffocating. I say its car oil because the side of the bottle has levels notches on the side that I saw when He was putting it down by the toilet.
It's a pretty lousy and didn't look like fast way to die. He should have just injected air in her vein..that would have killed her too

"..and I mean that from the heart of my bottom.."
