So why can't the weird ringlet kid

eat with the mouth on the front of her face? And why do the twins wear full-body sacks instead of just guarding their eyes? It's a real shame Burton decided to make this story more revolting than it already was with his eyeball gross-outs and overdone costumes, but even by itself it's bizarre and compounded by the awful time loop plot line: Peregrine decided to imprison the children in ageless youth with nothing to look forward to, never aging, never marrying, never having children of their own? Utterly pointless and even awful, and the story would have worked fine without that plot point.


Maybe she can. she just also needs to freed the thing on her back as well?
The Twins look horrific, this is why they cover themselves up.. or maybe touching their skin an cause similar effects to looking into their eyes.

The Time loop is a plot line from the BOOK, they couldn't not have it!!


Well that's what I mean, the book shouldn't have had the plot either. It just makes the existence of the kids that much worse and senseless.

Didn't know that about the twins, thanks!


Well the book does, lol it's a bit too late to change it.
I like it, it's an interesting idea and us Brits has spent 50 years growing up on Doctor who so theses time loops and time lines don't irritate us as much as they perhaps should.


LOL Well, it's too bad those kids are stuck that way.


To me, it felt like a metaphor for the promise of Heaven. You have eternal life and get to reunite with lost loved ones, but for ETERNITY??? Seems like ANYTHING would feel senseless and tedious for eternity. But, I doubt the original author had this in mind when he created the book and I'm probably looking too much into it.


Heaven isn't supposed ti be repeated actions, and the author should have foreseen how awful this appears.


Without the timeloop they would have died in the bombing. It is true that it is not the best life but the kids would rather be there than dead.


For now, Beck. But as the years pass and nothing changes, I guarantee, they'd change their minds. Esp the two teens with the hots for each other; they're never supposed to mature, marry??


If that's their life and existence all day every day. .then they literally have nothing to compare it to. As it was the loop had been reset everyday for 73 years. What's another 100? Lol
