New Photos and News! ts-monsters-dark-continent-teaser-trailer#axzz30OaMNrXg

"The world is indeed comic, but the joke is on mankind" ~H.P. Lovecraft


I don't like the fact that the first two pictures are basically the same composite, just reversed to be on different sids of the road. I was excited when I first found out about this movie, but reading this, and seeing the pictures, I'm having some hesitations. The fact that the one of the people being sent on the mission is the brother of the target is a bit too cliched, but at least it's already known, and it doesn't seem like it's supposed to be some big surprise in the movie. Hopefully it'll be good. I'm just a bit hesitant to think it will at this point. Maybe as it gets closer to release, and more is seen, I'll be more positive about it.


Agreed. I really loved Monsters, so I have some high hopes for this. Hope they don't screw it up with Edwards not being involved too much.

"The world is indeed comic, but the joke is on mankind" ~H.P. Lovecraft
