Is this really necessary?

I liked the first movie, which was a fairly simple story about two people trying to get home, both a physical as well as emotional journey if you want to be a pompous a$$ about it. The actual monsters were almost extraneous. It was no masterpiece by any means, but it was really impressive what they managed to pull off on a shoestring budget, and my respect for movie increased after watching the extras on the blu-ray.

But this sequel seems to be just the bog standard sci-fi shoot em up monster movie with guns a-blazing and choppers whizzing around.

Working in the movie business since -92



Each to their own. No one is forcing you to like this movie. And I agree, the love story wasn't necessary, which is often the case in movies.

I guess you're really upset that A Room With A View didn't feature the room as a main character.

Working in the movie business since -92


I'm peeved. I enjoyed the first as well. But this is simpl just a cash grab sequel. The original director has nothing to so with it apart from the monsters I suppose.
