Let's wait and see

The first movie was over-all a good movie.
It wasn't a movie designed to focus primarily on the Alien Invasion, but moreover having to deal with the alien invasion while having a messed up love story thrown in it.
This was a picture created by someone who wanted something different.
Actual Critics don't base movies upon their budget but by how well the movie was executed in itself, and the first Monsters movie was executed amazingly well for a relatively unknown director.
The acting was great, The plot line was solid, and the aliens, However "Horribly CGI" it was, it was what they could do with the budget they had. If you keep that in to consideration it was a great movie.
I will admit I didn't think there would be a sequel, but I'm not upset they're making one. I could see a trilogy pop up out of this idea. Possibly three movies with three different stories all with the same basic idea with a different way of playing it out.
I'm also excited because the main Character is Joe Dempsie better known for his roles in the British Drama Skins and The HBO Drama Game of Thrones.
So, for this movie I'm just going to give it the Let's wait and see attitude.


I'm hopefully optimistic.

I enjoyed Monsters, and even though this has a different director, it looks like (and I hope) it has that 'indie' look of Gareth Edwards' film set in Mexico.

I just saw the official trailer on You Tube, and, I'm in. I don't know anything about Tom Green, but I'm curious now.

I plan to see Monsters: Dark Continent upon release.
