Don't Get a Job????

Why is Raviva's only response to the real world is to not get a job, she tells Lou not to get a job and then not to take a promotion, she tells Sophia not to get a job, she herself was offered a job as a bartender and she turns it down. What is wrong with getting a job?

It is hard not to sound condescending when you are explaining things to an idiot!


if you follow your dreams and don't get a job you are a hero.....Raviva is perfect & always right. .... lol , Lou gets a job to support HIS child oh and Raviva... but her answer to life is to live your dream no matter what .. lol typical woman who is in denial of what is reality... she has that man who wants to stand by his kid and make sacrifices in his life yet she has something negative to say about that,

yeah Lou is a fck up for doing that to Raviva, he should have been honest with himself and just man'd up...


Raviva needs to move to a hippie commune, smoke weed and sing songs while playing guitar all day
