DVD Edited???

Seems I remember seeing them get the boat out of the tree, rigging ropes and then letting it down. But the DVD (from Netflix) doesn't have that scene. Am I crazy?

IMDB lists the running time as 130 minutes--2 hrs., 20 mins. That is the same time on the DVD envelope. Yet I THINK I remember watching them lower the boat.

Is there another version? Does the DVD you can buy have or not have a boat lowering scene?

Thanks for your answers.


I just watched the digital version of this again today (and it reminded me how good it is); I'm assuming it's the same as the DVD or Blu-ray. In any case, it was the same runtime (130 minutes, which is actually 2 hrs 10 minutes), and there isn't a scene showing them lowering the boat. There is a scene with Mud hanging from the tree by some ropes that he (presumably) rigged up, and he cuts a large branch with the chainsaw and then swings out from the tree and back to it. Later on (I don't remember exactly when), Ellis comes to the island by himself and the boat is already on the ground. Apparently Mud was able to get it down by himself, without the boys' help.


I just watched it on Bravo and there was no scene showing the boat being lowered; only the swinging from the tree with chainsaw. Next scene with boat, it was on beach.
