Directors for Dune

Here some directors that could possibly bring a great version of Herbert's books onto the screen:

Alejandro Jodorowsky-Just let the guy do it. Though it'd look completely different from his original vision.
Steven Spielberg-It's Steven Spielberg. Awesome sci fi director. He turns anything into gold.
Ridley Scott-See Blade Runner and Alien. Makes great sic fi. Already used HR Giger's designs.
James Cameron-Makes great sic fi.
Andrew Stanton-Award wining animation director with Finding Nemo and Wall-E. Did a great job with bringing john Carter to the screen.
David Cronenberg-He'd make a great sic fi.
Zack Snyder-Amazing visual artist. Follows the source material to the T.
David Fincher-One of the best directors. Needs to do a sic fi.
Robert Zemeckis-Did fantastic with Contact and Back to the Future. Very colorful with Who Framed Roger Rabbit.
George Lucas. Just Kidding. lol. Though he did Star Wars.
The Wachowskis-See The matrix and Cloud Atlas. They made the unflimable film able with Cloud Atlas.
Christopher Nolan- Brilliant Director. See inception and his upcoming Interstellar.
Terry Gilliam-Makes great sic fi.
Rian Johnson-See Looper.
Peter Jackson-Make a great adaptation of the book.

Who asre your picks?


Aronofsky, if he was faithful to the novel.
Death is the road to awe.


What about Uwe Boll or Michael Bay?

nah, just kidding :D

I think Peter Jackson realy could do a awesome job with Dune.


Peter Jackson, hands down!
Maybe he and Jodorowsky could do it together?

Before he directed Lord of the Rings, I had thought we never would see any new truly epic film trilogies - and Peter proved me wrong...

Dune deserves to be at least a trilogy, and he could do it!


Andrew Stanton would probably do the best job of it from the directors you listed.


Agreed on Terry Gilliam,Cronenberg and Fincher. I'd add:

I love Alfonso Cuaron's take on Children of men. He loves long takes and there are several book scenes that I'd love to see in a single take. Besides all his movies always have killer cinematography courtesy of Emmanuel lubezki

Hayao Miyazaki because Dune is the kind of movie that would work well in animated form.

Wes Ball I guess most people in this board must have passed on the maze runner but I think the director was limited by the source material. He has the spielbergish style. His first short film particularly the final scene makes me think he'd be great for the job.

Neil Blomkamp. I didn't like Elysium much but District 9 is one of my favorites. He, like Wes ball would keep the budget in check and still make the movie look visually stunning.

Kathryn Bigelow. She mixes action scenes with social topics perfectly.

Bong Joon-ho- Watch snowpiercer and you'll see why.

Ron Howard. If he can make it like Apollo 13 and cocoon.

Guillermo del Toro- He might be more like a monster movie director but I love his style. If he keeps the kind of visuals he used in Pan Labyrinth it'd be a great film.


I think that Hollywood should leave Dune alone.


Fincher did Aliens 3 :S


Duncan Jones, director of Moon and Source Code.

"You need to get laid Gerty", "😀"

