Classic Kenda Quotes

Being an A-Hole is not against the law. If it was, you could just erect a fence around the entire State of Colorado and tell them they are in custody.

The Master Robot is Now Taking Over..


Well, my,my my. :-)


He is freaking hilarious. I'm always shocked by how blase he is... but, he's still a great narrator.


the way he says "oh, really!" I get a kick out of that


I like that one, too, Libby. It's often followed by, "Now that gets my attention."


I like that a lot too. Lt. Joe Kenda rocks!

"Don't get chumpatized!" - The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters (2007)


I partly watch it for the content, but mostly just to hear his quips and his deadpan way of saying the show!


I think this is a fairly recent episode, but I haven't found the exact one yet so I am paraphrasing:

"Is the [prison sentence] long enough? No. But I'm not in charge of penalties. If I were, I would be somewhere to the right of Attila the Hun. For guys like [the one in this episode] it would be long, painful and always fatal."


Paraphrasing... "For someone who lies so much, you could at least have the decency to be good at it."


" Son-of-a-bitch" - Not necessarily the phrase itself, but the way Lt. Kenda says it.


"Does your girlfriend shave her genitals?"


I love it when he asks a question and answers it:

"Do I think he did it? Not necessarily. Do I think he's hiding something? Absolutely! And I'm going to find out what it is!"


I don't know the exact quote but it was the first episode I had ever seen.
Some girl was playing dumb with him and he said "All right you jackass" or something similar.
I wasn't used to him yet and the deadpan way he said it with no change in facial expression was hilarious.
I now watch whenever I can.


What I love about him is he reminds me so much of my father-in-law. FIL was a cop so go figure. As for Kenda... I'd have to say his classic..."my, my, my." Three simple words that I'd be scared to hear in person... but so hilarious on T.V. Cool dude!!!

"Oh God, but I do love being king!"
