MovieChat Forums > Blood Pressure Discussion > MY Random THoughts,......

MY Random THoughts,......

Why did the teenage son look about 35 years old in the movie and what purpose did he really serve?

I didn't like the lack of development with the boss and then her likeable chubby coworker let and was never seen again.

The lead actress has a great body.

The movie was well acted andhad promise but for me went nowhere. I still gave it a 6/120.


**SPOILERS**. I looked up the bios and the son is only 24 now and I think the movie is a few years old so he was about 22 when it was made. The daughter who looks a lot younger is actually two years older than the son. I think their purpose is to show that part of the main character's life, that she is a mom going through the sometimes ho-hum and sometimes tiring aspects of family life for a mom with teenagers, they looked and seemed like teens to me, the son looks a bit older but not drastically so. Her co-worker friend came back to visit her, then they had her take a trip to Mexico so at least they explained where she was, lots of movies just have the main character's friend completely disappear. I rated this movie much much higher, I found the plot totally engaging and the acting very real, most of these actors don't have big roles in their bios but I thought they were very believable, the acting was good. The main character took a big chance going to the hotel room, I would have been much more afraid for my safety than she was. Lots of reviews state that her family life was a mess but her kids never got really lippy, she and her husband still had sex and he wasn't terrible to her, they were financially comfortable, it really wasn't that bad, her family life, and I disagree with reviewers who say the character was depressed. A little restless, a little bored, and somewhat neglected by her husband but not depressed. She needed to do more just for herself which was addressed in the film and a lot of working moms are like that, they don't take time out for themselves. The plot kept moving and I completely wanted to see what would happen next, it was suspenseful. There can't be very many movies that address assisted suicide either. I like contemporary movies like this that show plenty of every day life with characters I can relate to. I highly recommend this not well known Canadian movie, they did a good job with it.

When you get up in the morning, how do you decide what shade of black to wear? (Shallow Grave)


I'm with you Em0, I really enjoyed it. I could relate both to the woman's situation (even though I'm not married) and to the admirer's, so I thought it was very well done. A small gem of a film that explores assisted suicide a timely issue in our society.


Yes, a powerful little gem of a movie that takes you by surprise!

When you get up in the morning, how do you decide what shade of black to wear? (Shallow Grave)


Son is 30 and at the time of the movie he was 25/26, he was born in 1987. Bi agreed with OP, when I first saw him in the movie sitting at the kitchen table I thought it was another couple, friends of the parents. He didnt look like a high school kid.

Movie was good.


Son is 30 and at the time of the movie he was 25/26, he was born in 1987. agreed with OP, when I first saw him in the movie sitting at the kitchen table I thought it was another couple, friends of the parents. He didnt look like a high school kid.

Movie was good.
