Release date

Any news about when this movie will be released on HBO?


Not yet, but I'm just guessing they are waiting for ABC's "Madoff" to air, and pass so people will forget about it and not have Bernie fatigue. I wouldn't be surprised if they held it until the next Emmy qualification period, which would be after May of this year, I believe.


Any updates for release date?


Any updates on the release date of this?


Surely not Christmas...



Something as big as this usually airs on HBO in early Feb.

Shall we play a game?


I noticed the release date was changed from 2016 to 2017. Maybe so it can be considered for Emmy nominations.. just guessing, but I hope so.


Is this HBO? Yes, you'd be right then.


Ridiculous this is taking so long .
Its a HBO TV movie that was filmed over a year ago Nd has no release date yet? What are they waiting for? Some dumb emmy slot or something?

Black lives matter. Screw the Blue!
Gavin Long and Micah Johnson are American heroes.


They probably didn't want to release it too soon after Richard Dreyfuss's Madoff.


HBO takes very long to air popular pieces. I mean ie Game of Thrones, people waited over a year for 5 or 6 measly episodes. It IS infuriating but there's not a damn thing you can do about it!!!
