Cat behavior...

If you have a pet, wether it be a cat, dog, bird, etc., for so long, you tend to get a good idea of how they're feeling when you observe their body language. For example: I know my cat is agitated when she is full-on wagging her tail. That's her way of saying "That's enough!" Pets can't talk so they use their body language to communicate.

Money isn't the root of all evil. Love of money is.


yeah... but animals react differently in various situations and stimuli. I had a dog that LOVED the immediate family---would never bark/growl/bite. But there was no way in hell that strangers were coming in the house--- and outside of the property, she hated men, but was very accepting of female strangers.

This show is about changing those reactions to the stimuli... to become a better animal--- better socialized, and thus creating less stress/anxiety for the cat


"to become a better animal"? I see it as teaching people to be better pet parents so in turn the pets are happier and therefore better behaved. It's often people's fault for the way the animals are because the people don't know what they are doing or don't care.

I've decided to drop out of society and wear live animals as hats


It's a cliche, but there are no bad dogs. Or bad cats.

Next time you see me, it won't be me


So true, especially cats. I saw an episode recently where this cat is so obviously hostile to them picking him up and hauling him around and they keep grabbing him and getting scratched and couldn't figure out why.

Geez. Hissing, flat ears, twitching tail and swatting mean BACK OFF. Idiots. And the wife had had the cat for years. *rolls eyes*

There's something here that doesn't make sense. Let's go and poke it with a stick.-Doctor Who
