MovieChat Forums > My Cat from Hell (2011) Discussion > Something I Really Like About This Show

Something I Really Like About This Show

There are a lot of shows out there where an expert comes in and tries to fix a problem, like Kitchen Nightmares or Hotel Impossible. Those shows always seem to lack a genuineness. The experts brought in try to act like they really care about the situation but it always seems so fake. There are fake touchy feely moments and in the end, nothing really changes. They spend a day or two "fixing" problems and then walk away pretending everything is fixed.

What I really like about this guy is that he actually seems to care. He cares about the people and the cats and he really tries to figure out the root cause of the problems. He actually seems like he knows what he is doing. For example, a show like Kitchen Nightmares, Gordon Ramsey is a very successful chef but he doesn't seem like he really knows how to come in and reorganize a failing business. Rarely are things actually solved. The guy in this show actually seems like a real expert in what he is supposed to be doing.

This show has no fake drama, no quick fixes, no flashy band aid solutions at the last minute, no fake expertise. It is nice to see.


Agreed! I used to have cats and I can relate to everything he says to the owners. Nine times out of 10, it's the owners who don't know what they're doing. LOL. I learned the hard way with my cats--things like overstimulation, tail lashing and all that. All I'd ever had was dogs, so I learned cat language the hard way. Heh. But I was a quick study and did a lot of online research. I'm still learning things from Jackson though. Love this show.

There's something here that doesn't make sense. Let's go and poke it with a stick.-The Doctor
