Cat Bag and the Muzzle!!!

Holy God Almighty, that is one of the funniest goddamn things I have ever witnessed in my entirelife. If I live to be 130 years old, the sight of Snickers in that Hannibal Lechter cat bag and muzzle is something that will never be erased from my DVR.


That made me furious. Just furious! She was using human nail clippers, no wonder it hurt! For a lady who is so into her cat that she put him in pet shows, she hadn't seemed to do much research about caring for cats. Pick up a book, read a website, even visit a pet store for God's sake.

I was just as mad as the lady the other week who had been feeding her cat cream for two years and couldn't figure out why the cat had digestive issues. The first thing I've ever seen mentioned on the multitude of books and articles I've read on cats is: they're lactose intolerant!

Got enough guilt to start my own religion...


Some of the these cat owners he encounters have no business owning a cat or any pet for that matter. They are complete morons. I feel so bad for some of these poor cats and the humans they have to live with.


Hi Drunk_Chick. I've only ever used human nail clippers on my cats. As long as they are nice & sharp they work fine. I nip just the tips off once a week.I could never get the hang of the little scissor ones for some reason.
There are some pretty clueless people on this show, lol, & the muzzle thing was ridiculous.


I didn't like those people in general. They wanted their cat to behave so they could profit from it. Not because they wanted to improve its life any.


How should they improve the cat's life? Send it to college?

