The Bar Staff

These people deserve a medal for not calling the cops, Maisie would have been taken away and temporarily into foster care.

Thank goodness the waitress who took her home was kind and understanding and her boyfriend/spouse not a monster pedophile. Maise was put in a very dangerous situation.


That worried me, too. Not at first, I trusted the young woman who took her home to be kind to Maisie. It seemed evident that it wasn't a big deal to her to baby-sit, she was genuinely just being nice.

Then they showed that there were other people there too, and I thought, "Oh, no."

Such a relief it turned out all right!

"I know! It takes, like, forever to listen to him."


Yeah her friends were dodgy, smoking and drinking outside her room. Honestly I was wondering why she took Maisie home, she could have been arrested herself...


Why automatically assume that some grown ups would want to hurt her? The bar staff seemed like very nice people, who tried their best to take care of a girl dropped on their door step.
The reason Maisie might seemed a bit out of it, when she woke up in the girls apartment is IMO that she was a strange place surrounded by strangers. That doesn't necessarily make them bad people! Or predators!! And yes they were having a social get together, they didn't se drunk or rowdy or anything. Aren't grown ups with kids in the house not allowed to have a drink or a smoke? It seems to me that Maisie was used to some much more heavy partying in her mother's house.
