MovieChat Forums > Thanks for Sharing (2013) Discussion > Question about Days counting?

Question about Days counting?

Sex is a normal function, even masturbation. When they count the days without sex, how does that apply to married couples or even dating couples? It is not like drinking ,where you either slip up and have an alcoholic beverage or not. I do not get how they decide the line of acceptable sex or not. The day count seems to be arbitrary at best.


I'm an alcoholic and it's definitely not like quitting sex. I mean I personally don't drool when I go past the beer/wine aisle in a convenient or grocery store. I have however gone to sweets uncontrollably, which sucks because you have to eat. I feel for these people that have the sex addiction. I mean that sounds hard to control. Guys wake up aroused. I just wonder how many really go to a meeting in real life. Maybe in big cities but not small towns.

Just my 2 cents.


Masturbation is normal, but not if you are doing it several times a day. Not if in my case I was setting my alarm in the morning, not to hit the gym or get a coffee, so I could masturbate before work. LOL yeah.

Other examples calling off a date because already watched some porn and the desire is gone. Which means there was no intent at all to get to know the woman, so really did her a favor.

Having sex with a woman and then trying to immediately hook up with another woman. So you can get some weird high from it.

Looking at women as I have said in the past like talking sex dolls and not people to get to know and form relationships with.

I feel for anyone who has any kind of addiction as well. Really hard to explain it to people who don't.

Most don't go to meeting I would bet.


Yeah, I think it's definitely a different stigma altogether.
