more stupid scenes

Acting was fine movie was ok there that's all you need to know is getting really sick of animal scenes that have no effect whatsoever on people like me just makes me want to turn a movie off like the puppy scene just made me feel bad for that which happens in real life and made me not want to watch the damn movie so what's the point of putting scene after scene of animals that for people like me who it doesn't shock or excite all it does is just makes you feel bad cause I'm not some idiot that has no feelings. And then the weird freaking ass story line of the dog trying to whatever just made me feel even more like wtf and then the sheep scene omg stop putting unnecessary scenes of animals in every freaking movie.


I've taken the time to punctuate your post.

Acting was fine, movie was ok. There, that's all you need to know. I am getting really sick of animal scenes that have no effect whatsoever on people like me. Just makes me want to turn a movie off. Like the puppy scene just made me feel bad for that which happens in real life, and made me not want to watch the damn movie. So what's the point of putting scene after scene of animals that for people like me who it doesn't shock or excite? All it does is just makes you feel bad, cause I'm not some idiot that has no feelings. And then the weird freaking ass story line of the dog trying to whatever just made me feel even more like wtf and then the sheep scene. omg stop putting unnecessary scenes of animals in every freaking movie.

You claim you're sick of these scenes because they have no effect on you, then you say they made you feel bad. THAT WAS THE POINT! To make you feel sorry for it, and to make you uncomfortable. They succeeded, and you're angry.

Why show scenes of things that happen in real life? Advice: steer clear of any film that's not fantastical in some way, seriously.

All the animals in this film had a purpose. The puppies could symbolism Alicia, and the puppy's whimpering was later used for Alicia's unstable climax. The bird seemed to unhinge something in her. The dog that humped her, she later viewed as an antagonist, telling us she's far from reality.

As useful as the scenes were, they weren't enjoyable in any way. That's the general opinion. Had they been omitted though, the film wouldn't be the same.

We've met before, haven't we?


no one cares about punctuation anymore anyway....You can have your opinion and I'll have mine THAT'S THE POINT. And I was expecting something else from this movie not drama about animals that I pretty much live with day to day and see for myself cause I'm not bothering trying to be smart and replying to people's opinions about why they didn't like something. I didn't want to be depressed, is that a crime? And yeah I got the movie...and it's depressing.


Well I, for one, happen to think punctuation is important...especially so other's can understand what you're writing. If you don't want other's to read your comment, then don't write a comment!

You should probably stick with comedies too, since it seems you're too immature to deal with "real life" things.

"Ain't life grand!"
