Frans Afman is a hero

Very Good documantary made by the daughter of Afman.
Enlightful insight in the financing buisiness of filmmaking in Hollywood in the 70's and 80's
After watching this documantary I don't know exactly what Afman's position was in the movie business.
But I think he had a sense of what filmmaking was all about and you could see he loved the art of filmmaking and support filmmakers to realize their dreams.
Not like the Media conglomerates of today and the last 100 years of filmmaking.
Most of them are all in for the money and making huge amounts of profit.

Quantity over Quality sense.


Your right. He is a hero. I grew up in the 1970's and 1980's and this man was the money behind all the movies I watched. I cringe to think what my childhood would have been like with him.Movies really influence people .
