MovieChat Forums > After the Dark (2013) Discussion > This movie makes so little sense it pain...

This movie makes so little sense it pains me.

The movie makes no sense AT ALL.

1- How would actions in the bunker look like in the classroom? Do the students just say what they're doing? If so, it makes it impossible for someone to keep an action secret, like when the gay blonde kid was hiding from the professor when he held a gun to the girl who didn't want to sleep with everyone; Did he just say "now I come out and lunge at Mr. Zimit"? That would make it so any student can change what's happening to whatever they want, which again, makes no sense.

2- How come the gay farmer (or now florist) is no longer gay in the third "round"?

3- Why did they "reveal" to us that the blonde girl was going out to the professor in the end? Did they feel like they had to add a "twist"? Because it added NOTHING to the plot; I couldn't care less. Also what happened to the professor with the gun? We just heard a shot, and that's it. Are we supposed to be left intrigued? Because we (or at least me) are not, since the professors personal story is so irrelevant.

4- Why were they so worried about the code to exit when they had an entire year to guess it? They could have just typed in 00000, then 00001, then 00002, then 00003, and so on. They probably could have gotten the code in just a day or two at the most.

5- These people are too white to be Indonesian.

TL;DR: This movie is terrible and inconsistent. For your own sake, do NOT watch.


01.yeah, that's the most stupid part. if you wanna make any sense out of it, the answer would be that the teacher dictates 99% of what's happening and only asks the pupils on rare occasions what they want top do, just to then interrupt and again force the plot he has made up in his mind upon them.

02. yeah, that's also complete nonsense. the professor dictates that he does all that. all that seems real is that the guy gets overly emotional to find out thathe is gay in the "story". complete bull.

03. yeah, that is supposed to be the "twist", that the whole time it was just the illusion of any interactivity within the game and the greater illusion, that it had some kind of philosophical background. either she was sleeping with the prof or they even had a relationship, but it is left in the open if that's already concluded or if she still is, while simultaniously having the same with the blonde dude. also supposedly the whole "game" was meant to be a metaphor/allegory for their relationship and should show her, that he is the better dude, instead of the unbelievable douchebag that is shown to us. also the fact that he uses 3 types of "apocalypse" is meant this way, as it means "after the dark", i.e. something is revealed, as he wants to reveal to her that her new guy is worthless and he the teacher is so awesome. all of this is so stupid and pretentious, it makes me wanna vomit.

04. not only that. please check my other thread, where i list all the illogical bs in detail. they had an electrician. it would have been easy to remove the locks shell and just bypass the locking mechanism.

05. they weren't. they were british and american, which is also stupid as hell. i get studying philosophy at a elite university in the US or Uk or whatever, but studying it at a private resort in indonesia? why did they even chose that location? cheaper to get a permit to film or what?

"laugh and the world laughs with you. Weep and you weep alone." - Dae-su Oh


I actually had already read your post, it shows even more of the stupidity in this movie.


ah, cool. thanks. :D

"laugh and the world laughs with you. Weep and you weep alone." - Dae-su Oh



1. The movie is just a visualisation. The things they talk about are just problably just brought up verbally in the class.

2. He got a whole new identity. His farmer-identity was deleted, and he just became a florist.

3. The affair between Petra and Mr. Zimit had everything to do with the movie. The though experiment was in reality a "conversation" between the teacher and the girl.

4. Maybe they had a limited number of chances to guess the right code, like on the cellphone?

5. It was an international school, which explain the different nationalities.


1. duh. nevertheless the students did about 1% of the decisions and the rest was just storytelling by the teacher.

2. dude, we have seen the film. thanks for additionally pointing out THAT stupid part of the plot as well.

3. yes, we know. "The though experiment was in reality a "conversation" between the teacher and the girl. " come again?

4. it was a mind game. with the same right that the teacher made stuff up, one of the studebnts could as well have dictated that he/she is a wizard now and turn the lock and the door into delicious cheese.

6. they are supposed to be the brightest minds from all around the globe, which suggests, that they have specifically chosen this school for their philosophy degree. nothign against indonesia, but don't you think OXFORD would sound a bit more plausible?

"laugh and the world laughs with you. Weep and you weep alone." - Dae-su Oh


4- Why were they so worried about the code to exit when they had an entire year to guess it? They could have just typed in 00000, then 00001, then 00002, then 00003, and so on. They probably could have gotten the code in just a day or two at the most

They couldn't do that. They had to wait at least one year for the nuclear contamination to pass (which itself was quite silly). If they tried various codes and one worked too soon it would have incinerated them as happened in the second scenario.

Now, it's true they could have tried every combination starting at the year mark rather than stand around and wait to die. I think it would have taken more than a few days however.
