Couple of things...

1. The music at about 30 minutes in? when they are in bed making love, sounds so familiar. Anyone know it?

2. The opera singer gets cancer in 3 years... but she was chosen for her language skills.. teach your languages... for 3 years.

3. the doctor who got the ebola virus... she was an orthopedic doctor. Id say the lower risk mandate of some broken bones, completely outweighs the potential critical death scenario by her sickness. She should have embraced that as a doctor.

4. I thought the teacher was the guy from Sherlock /face palm


1. The non-original music that was used in the movie is listed here:

I think you're referring to "Brid By A Strem" by Briddes Roune.
You can listen to it here (track# 16):

2. She wasn't going to die from the throat cancer; she just wouldn't be able to sing or talk anymore. But she would still be able to hear and write.

3. Isn't ebola virus disease highly contagious, with also a very high mortality rate?

4. What do you mean? He is the guy from Sherlock.

Just kidding, I know what you mean. They have similar personas or something. When I saw James D'Arcy in the first movie that I consciously saw him in (I think it was Cloud Atlas), I used to call him "the fake Cumberbatch" or "the guy who is *not* Sherlock", hahaha.

Joe Satriani - "Always With Me, Always With You"
