
I'm just not sure what to make of this movie. One minute I'm close to hitting the stop button the next I'm thinking actually it isn't all bad in fact maybe it's quite good because I think I would actually like a go at what they were doing I found it very interesting to find out how people would react and survive in such a situation.


I understand how you feel.
On the one hand it's a great idea and an interesting way of exploring various philosophical ideas/values.
But then on the other hand, it just doesn't make any sense for them to be taking it *that* seriously. Obviously to us, the audience, it's made to seem as if they really are in those environments and bunkers, but when you think about it, they're literally just sitting in a classroom postulating. I did exactly the same kinda hypothetical situation thought experiment stuff during philosophy classes at uni and i can tell you for free there were no awful deep consequences and that no one ever took it quite so... personally :P

Chaos... panic... disorder... My work here is done!


I completely agree. I get that the sequences were dramatised for our benefit, but there were so many times when they were just getting way too into character for people sitting in a classroom and discussing. Like when Petra finds James and Jack together. I mean it's a simulation, just go with it.

And I agree with the OP too. Halfway through the movie I was ready to quit, but I persevered, and was glad I did because I liked the midpoint 'twist' and the way Petra handled the third iteration. But then the ending with the revelation that it was all just a sick mind game by Eric because he liked one of his students was super lame. I was ready to give this movie a seven and the ending dropped it to a six. By that point I just didn't care and was glad it was over.

We're running around like we don't care
It's gonna leave its mark somewhere.
