Question about ending?

Can any one explain ending to me? if some one can answer those questions it will be great
1) why Petra was opposing to MR Zimit?
2) why MR Zimit commit suicide in end?
3) what Mr Zimit wanted from Petra?


1) Probably got tired of him
2) He was an idiot, no one kills them self over such an ugly mutt
3 ) Sex Sex Sex


This is for a homework assignment, isn't it?

1) Petra recognized that Mr. Zimit had a hidden agenda with his experiment; namely one that was specifically aimed at challenging Petra's personal choices and beliefs.
2) Mr. Zimit didn't commit suicide in the end; we merely see him iterating through three possible scenarios in his head, which more or less mirror the outcomes of the three thought experiments in class (denial, depression, and acceptance).
3) Mr. Zimit saw in Petra the "perfect student", that's why he was so attracted to her, and he wants her to stay that "perfect". However, unbeknownst to him (or maybe he had chosen to keep a blind eye to it), Petra wasn't that angelic perfect girl; yes, she had straight A's and was able to stay on good terms with her teacher(s), but that doesn't mean that she wasn't lead by mundane motives (such as carnal pleasure, financial success, social acceptance) rather than cerebral approaches to problems, "logic" and a scientific career. Ultimately, Mr. Zimit thought he had a found a like-minded person in Petra but discovers that he had lost her to the world and that he has to let her go, which also forces him to face his insecurity about his own purpose in life.

Joe Satriani - "Always With Me, Always With You"


Great answer, Yurenchu.



Thanks, gabby_bm! :o)

Joe Satriani - "Always With Me, Always With You"
