What trite rubbish.

This movie was a frustrating waste of time and This movie wasn't entertaining or insightful in any way. Instead, it was a frustrating waste of time. The characters were melodramatic and shallow, the dialogue unbelievably silly, and the apocalyptic scenarios were made worse by the ridiculous, cliche-spewing, professor who screwed up two of the "experiments."

The whole "exit code" bit was a cheap ploy, especially since the professor was fixing each iteration. His characterization was made worse since he acted like a jerk throughout the film, especially when threatening to fail a student after she made the obvious contrariwise decision.

The professor was like a bad dungeon master who changed the rules whenever the dice rolls were too good, as well as a psychopath who abused his power and preyed on teenagers. It was incredibly idiotic by the end.

"You're a very good teacher." No he wasn't. What crap.

By the end, this felt like it was some rubbish written by freshmen drama students. A one star rating.




This post is so old but spot in!!!!
