MovieChat Forums > After the Dark (2013) Discussion > The moment I turned it off - spoiler ale...

The moment I turned it off - spoiler alert.

A US senator? Really? Without any argument? All logic applied from that point forward was rendered invalid.

Also, you know who doesn't make it into the bunker? A philosopher.


Nailed it!



"laugh and the world laughs with you. Weep and you weep alone." - Dae-su Oh


Even if you have a valid point, turning a movie off just for that is kind of sad. Basically makes you a quitter.


I agree and as far as her being a Congressman without question, what of the fate of the Gelato Maker without question? The Harpest without question? The poet without question? While yes the final scenario was meant to "teacher the professor a lesson," there is always more to an individual... unless they are the type to turn off the movie, for emotional reasons not logical and not understanding the point of the experiment.

Delinquent Nancy*
Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room!


A carpenter can help to rebuild...

because trees are nuclear blast-proof.


and who doesn't want to live in houses made from irradiated wood?! c'mon, the glow will be a house-wide nite-lite.


I wanted to turn it off just before the half way point.

I was just getting angrier and angrier as time went on but I was like, I'll give it a chance maybe there's a big twist or eureka moment. Nope. Stupid.


same thing happened to me.

"laugh and the world laughs with you. Weep and you weep alone." - Dae-su Oh


I got to the part where the doctor might have Ebola and she went nuts then I though this girl is taking this game way to seriously and I turned it off!


Haha, good point about the philosopher. He/she'd probably get shot as fast as the poet - especially if he/she was the kind of a "philosopher" as all the characters in this trainwreck. :)

This movie is an insult to Philosophy.


This movie is an insult to a rational thinking brain.
Funniest moment of the movie is when the blonde chick calls her class "overachievers"
