MovieChat Forums > After the Dark (2013) Discussion > Did anyone find so called thought experi...

Did anyone find so called thought experiment believable ?

Throughout the movie, i couldn't stop myself from thinking how ridiculous it is to see students acting perfectly and noone actually trying to change things just saying few words in the class. Let me clarify it :

- Just because you are a gay on experiment, you sleep with the other gay student in the experiment. Why don't you just obey the rule and say "Ok, i am gay but in order to save the humanity, i will breed Petra". That would be perfectly believable. Ok, let's say you are a very bright student that you are completely into your given role. Then, why the hell would you run after Petra and say "I may be gay but i still love you". Can you really imagine such a thought experiment ?

-Noone in the class try to overhelm the teacher when he try to do something bad. All they need to say is something like this : "When Zimit drew his gun, 5 of us overwhelmed him and took control of his gun". If this is against the rules, how could they trick him in the first experiment ? One more example; when Zimit was fighting against one of the guys, why don't the girl holding Zimit's pistol say "I shot Zimit's head and it exploded".

Wouldn't it be much more easier to use a some kind of simulator machine plot ? Wouldn't it be much more convincing when the people actually feel the situation ? I think the thought experiment plot is plain awful.

Considering the even worse ending, i gave it 2/10.


i could not agree more.


The movie was made on a budget, and given that constraint I think the filmmakers did very well with what they had. Moreover, this movie is very different from other movies that on the surface seem to be like it, and I applaud the filmmakers for daring to deviate from the common Hollywood fare. However, I can see that as a consequence this movie isn't for everyone.

The rules of the thought experiment were that in addition to what is written on the cards, you are in the experiment as you are in real life. So that means if James (the gay organic farmer in the experiments) felt strongly that you can't force anybody to sleep with someone whom you don't feel sexually attracted to, why would he yield to the sudden random "rule", made up by some other participant in the bunker?

By the way, being gay doesn't mean that you can't love someone from the opposite sex, just as being heterosexual doesn't mean that you can't love someone from the same sex. Love and sexual attraction/sexual intercourse are not the same thing.

The students in the class didn't overwhelm Mr. Zimit or blow his brains out because that's not what they would do in real life either. They were docile, naive privileged kids in a classroom (they didn't even dare to chat to eachother in the background when someone was speaking in front of the class) who had never come into contact with violence, so it only fits that they wouldn't come up with "solutions from the gut" that their pacifist education and privileged upbringing so far had only disapproved of.

Joe Satriani - "Always With Me, Always With You"


But is this terminal mutiny against Zimit "Before or After" you get the code to the door? Again the emotional reactionary answer does win out but I truly would loved to kill the man many times over during the movie.

Delinquent Nancy*
Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room!
