MovieChat Forums > After the Dark (2013) Discussion > Am I the only one who truly enjoyed this...

Am I the only one who truly enjoyed this movie?

There are massive plotholes, poor acting, and poor writing. But I came into the movie with zero expectation. It didn't drag for me. I was disappointed yes, and severely annoyed by the main character. But I still really enjoyed watching it, and would actually love a sequel with a different cast.


I thought it was great


Please, don't be the annoying person who complains about the "massive plotholes" in every movie that he or she watches.


I'm not at all. I just wanted to acknowledge that the movie has its flaws. I enjoyed it in spite of them. That was my point.


I just watched it a second time tonight with my roommate awake, so with sound tonight - LOL!! And I think it was brilliant and the post-production sound was top dog budget. The sound track was simply amazing

Delinquent Nancy*
Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room!


it was okish, but they were most dumb philosophers that ever existed, i knew that there was a code before it was even mentioned, so yeah it failed right there for me, at the very beginning.


It is flawed but I did enjoy it. I love philosophy and thought experiments so it was right in line with my interests. And it was original.

Passion is just insanity in a cashmere sweater!


I thought it was wonderful.
I didn't notice the plot holes.
I thought the acting was fine.
It was highly original and engaging, and fun.
Please, op,no need to apologize for liking it.
I described it to my coworkers today, almost scene by scene.
I was very animated, and they were enthralled,.
They liked it too - without even seeing it.


do you know where can i find the opera song cinta laura performed in the movie..please help


Joe Satriani - "Always With Me, Always With You"


I kinda loved hating the teacher.. good villain. Sophie Lowe is gorgeous, I can't keep my eyes off her (even though I dont swing that way). The movie had me really thinking, and thinking even after - I love movies and shows that do that, I'm always out looking for more if anyone has any suggestions. :)

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