MovieChat Forums > Mine Games (2023) Discussion > Finally! Unlike Triangle, the ending is ...

Finally! Unlike Triangle, the ending is not predictable! *SPOILERS*

I see posts about people not understanding this movie or the ending???, it's quite simple.

They were all stuck in a loop/cycle through out the whole movie, they don't actually tell us how many times the loop/cycle occurred just like the movie Triangle.. BUT the only difference is..

At the end of this movie you are expecting the same thing that happened in beginning, only *PLOT TWIST* one of the characters actually (finally) breaks the cycle by literally forcing herself unto the next group. LOVED IT. and I couldn't stop laughing at her face XD

This movie had the ending I wanted for Triangle to have. Though in Triangle's case, she kept forgetting her memory every time she got on her friend's boat because it flipped and she hit her head, which is why the loop is unbreakable in that case. Anyways I really enjoyed the ending, more than the actual movie. I was shocked, and happy it ending that way.


The problem, which in your excitement may have been overlooked is, that ending raises more questions. There were already a lot the movie never tried to logically explain. The reason many prefer Triangle is the ending works based on the story told. I find it strange the ending of Triangle was predictable, I've never seen a time travel movie use a loop so logically. There are plenty of novels that deal with "the logic of time travel". With that said, time to ask these questions again. How was the cycle broken? What happened to the many Michael's? Why weren't there more bodies in the mine? Was this a supernatural or psychological horror story? The biggest plot hole, who grabbed Rose's leg in the mine? The ending means the events did and didn't happen. The cycle happens, we watched it, but how can you stop yourself from doing what you just did? She can't tell her other self to not go, otherwise the confrontation can never just gets worse and more mine boggling from there. What do psychosis have to do with time travel? Probably nothing but the story is unsure if they are connected or not. The ending just compounds the problems of the story. If you can answer these questions based on what the movie gave us, you will do what no one has been able to do; make sense of the ending. Your explanation was just a recap of the last scene without connenting it to the narrative. I really hope you can explain.

After throwing a machete through a guys chest, "Stick around!"- Dutch (Predator)


First, let me state that I am coming at this from a multiverse perspective. In multiverse theory, if someone travels in time from Time T2 back to time T1, then his original universe splits off at time T1 (there was the original universe where everything progressed to the point of T2 as it always had, but now there is a new universe where that time traveler is present at T1).

Okay, so simple multiverse setup: within this area, any living person who is in it at midnight (T2) gets zapped back in time to midnight the previous day.

Looking at it in multiverse theory perspective and with that time travel mechanism presupposed, your issues go away. For instance, why are there not an infinite number of bodies in the mine? Because when they go "back" they are at time T1 where there are no bodies in the mine yet. Why are there only two Michaels in the woods? Because that is how long Michael is surviving (two full days) in this loop, or at least Michael after three days doesn't huddle at the campfire. Can the loop be broken by someone walking out of the woods? Why not? There is nothing magical about the time loop, and such loops are inherently unstable. So what happens is that group is convinced to turn back - exactly what they need to do to avoid the loop phenomenon is unknown and the girl walking out of the woods definitely won't be able to tell them anything more than "just don't keep going down this road"? They turn back. No one goes back in time to fork off another multiverse. Does the girl who came back to warn them disappear or fade out Back to the Future style? No, don't be silly. The timeline that brought her there still exists in her universe. She gets to live the rest of her life alongside another version of herself who had all the exact same experiences up to T1, but who only lives that day between T1 and T2 once (so I guess technically she is a day older).

Who grabbed Rose's leg? Maybe no one did and she imagined it or it was a spirit (her spirit visions really get in the way of deciphering the story). This is a tendril which muddles the story, but Rose has some "psychic" thing going on where she is seeing "spirits" (remember she makes it clear that she sees spirits often enough, although she doesn't usually react to them this way, presumably because those spirits are herself and her friends). Also along this line, the recurring visions of the markings the previous group of her friends suffered on their current-group bodies (which again the movie makes clear are not "real" when it shifts from her perspective to other people's). Call this a plot hole or just a poorly-developed aspect of the story; it is clear it is a truly weak area of the script and should have been cut entirely. But then, you lose the "trailer moments" that story is clearly in here to produce, so ...blah.

Anyway, back to the ankle-grabber. The other possibility is that it is Claire from two iterations back. That is, not the Claire they find locked up in the closet, but the one before her. Claire's story has her ending up locked in the room, then the next day discovered by the subsequent group but locked back in again, then later on let out by Michael (offscreen, but we know she has been let loose because the iron door is open again) before the next iteration Claire is trapped. After she is out, we don't know where she went. But, we have noises in the mines, we have the Orobilis drawing that someone must have done at some point, and we have the hand grabbing Rose's ankle (which is later described as "the girl in the mine" even though there is no way in hell Rose would have known that was a female's hand grabbing her).

What do psychoses have to do with time travel? Apparently as much as Rose's psychic visions. Nothing at all. It is poor story telling to have so many "just so" bits in the story at once, but I think the psychosis is just an object in the story not the subject. So, we have (1) some mysterious time travel mechanism and the group that comes across it has (2) a psychic and (3) a psychotic in it. Seems like at least one too many strands. It would have made more sense without the Rose line, but as I said, trailer moments.

So, to make things concrete, I believe "T2" is when they see the "aurora borealis" display in the sky. When you hit that point in the story, you have just hit the "time travel" instant where everyone in the car and everyone still alive from the previous group goes back to the night before (forking the multiverse, etc). We know that the murder in the RV happens that night, not the night the horny couple expects their friends to arrive, because at the gas station we see a "newspaper headline" (actually large text printed on a poster board with "Washington Tribune" at the top ... who did props for this movie???) talking about a couple murdered in their RV. In the original group's timeline, they don't encounter anyone from an earlier group until they are driving down the road at night and the "yokel" is standing in the road.


I responded to you on another post before I saw this. This isn't meant to be condescending, there is nothing in the film that supports your theory. Magic is a much simpler explanation. The multiverse is just a theory and there are many more possible solutions. What you suggested assumes a lot about that universe. Everyone, including me, is trying to rationalize this. The movie literally explains nothing, which would be scary if it made any sense. You and I have been using science that's logical phallicy incarnate. It's honestly why I've just given up and said it was Magic. The only way to know is to ask the creators, I don't know how open they would or could be based on the response. I, probably more than most, know what they were going for. Also, Triangle, Timecrimes and C is for Cycle work because they use stable time loops. Using paradoxical time loops in a story is way too complicated for all audiences, the only way to make it work is to make it fun. Otherwise, you get a situation like this. You did a good job of trying to explain, though. I do wonder based on your theory, how can that time loop be restricted to one area? There are no clues to when the loops intersect, the end just confuses the subject.

After throwing a machete through a guys chest, "Stick around!"- Dutch (Predator)


These are the same issues I had with the film. If the cycles had just kept going on and on, wouldn't bodies and evidence just be piling up? There would be a ton of duplicate bodies and tons of Michaels. I was intrigued by the concept but it was handled in a lazy manner and not thought through. Not to mention there wasn't even the slightest attempt to explain what caused it or how the cycle was suddenly broken at the end.


I thought that in triangle she died origanally in the car accident (the starting point) and the rest was basically her own personal hell reliving it's self over and over ... So there was no way for her to actually "break the cycle" ever.


Again how are we sure this movie is even about time travel and not someone with extreme mental illness off his meds? This entire movie could be his perspective off his meds. He stopped taking his meds ergo he gets paranoid and thinks his friends are out to get him and to justify it and his actions of having to kill them he makes up the time travel thing. However, let's say it is about time travel..They told us in the beginning this was the second cycle ( second time it's happened) because it was literally wrote on the wall This is the first time..If what we are seeing is only the second time it's happened that could explain why there weren't more than one set of bodies. And whoever says there are more than 2 Michaels ( which there wasn't but I saw it posted in another message board) when we see him talking to himself in the woods convincing himself he doesn't need the meds and to burn them that was 1st cycle Michael and the Michael we saw from the beginning otherwise why would he have been saying burn your meds to a Michael from another loop? There were literally 2 of everyone! The only thing I didn't get is if everything is there from the last go round ? (The Last cycle or the first cycle) Where was the other wrecked van and RV? To people that asked who grabbed Rose's leg, I do not think anyone did I think that had to do with her psychic abilities. She kept seeing them all dead and rotting more and more and maybe it's because they are and always will be dead. Maybe they are in purgatory and that's why there's this continuous loop. There's several explanations that could explain things, the movie doesn't have to be straight forward.


At the end Lyla meets herself at the start of the story what else would you call that? The movie could be from his perspective if you forget about all the things he couldn't know about or was even apart of. His "friends" did the exact opposite of what you are supposed to do in the situation they were in. Who is "they"? No one said anything about what cycle the characters were on. That doesn't even make sense, who be aware of the loop? If there aren't more than one Micheal where did he get the idea to get rid of the pills. If the two Michael's at the fire are one person that is worse, that's not how mental illness works. That's not even the type of illness he had. I actually have family that think others are with them and it is not portrayed well or even artistically. One Micheal has to tell the other to burn the pills that's why there should be more evidence. If it is anything else the story makes even less sense. If Rose's scratch was just psychic ability what did she die from? If they are all dead how do you explain the last scene? This isn't some avant garde art horror film. It's a slasher with too many elements, it stops make sense a few minutes in. Nice try, though!

After throwing a machete through a guys chest, "Stick around!"- Dutch (Predator)


I agree that the story is not all in Michael's head because too many things happen outside his experience. For everything to be solely his hallucination, the entire film would have to be almost entirely a hallucination from beginning to end, which is a big cheat.

The reason there weren't piles of bodies everywhere is because this is only the second time around. It's not an infinite loop like Triangle, it's a two-timer (so far). One clue to this is the headline we see at the gas station at the beginning: "Couple Killed in RV". If there had been many killings, it would have said "ANOTHER Couple Killed in RV". OTOH, if everything resets completely so that the story could repeat endlessly, there would have been no news of Matt and Sarah's killing at all.

If Rose's scratch was just psychic ability what did she die from?

That question is answered in the film. We see someone - almost certainly Michael - put poison in a cup of tea. There is some misdirection when we see a cup of tea by his bedside, but later we see another cup by Rose's bed. She has seizures and dies from the poison. And the scratch actually was her psychic ability, or a hallucination. We are shown her leg in reality (that is, from the camera's POV), and the scratch isn't there. Also, in each scene where she sees one of her friends rotting away, the camera shows us that they actually look normal.

Mine Games is not Coherence or Triangle in terms of logical construction, but I think they do make clear that something supernatural is going on. Don't forget the weird lights that everyone saw, not just Michael.
