MovieChat Forums > Fire with Fire (2012) Discussion > Great! But guns and longshots...?

Great! But guns and longshots...?

Movie was great, I thinks it's a bit underrated.
Bruce played just fine as always.
However one thing bugged me a lot.
There are plenty of long shots there.
Like killing the assassin from 4th floor?
This shot would've never made it.
Also shooting at him while he was aiming at them with with a sniper rifle...?
Come one...


The 4th floor would be at about 50-70 feet or so, a pistol would easily shoot that far lmao. I hit a target last weekend with a 9mm at 50 feet 7/10 times. Very possible, especially having an angle like that aiming down. Now I do agree there is no way she would have even shot at that sniper nor get near as close as she did as that was at more around 200 + feet.

The main gripe I had was the fire scene at the end, as that has to be the worst fireman I have ever seen. Who would just stand up like that and walk around if your state certified? As well he had no tank and took his mask off. Firemen are trained to crawl around in the building and follow the walls since visibility is near zero as well. The smoke inhalation would have killed both of them. Those are the things unrealistic in the movie that made that scene very unbelievable. However I take it for what it is, a movie and it was fun :D.

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