Okay, but........

What if my family - complete with kids - moves into the Ethan Hawke house and........

Never watch the movies??

Or if the movies are watched and all the weirdness starts up, but we never get spooked to the point of moving out??

Or if it's just me and my wife with no kids?? Or just me by myself?? Doesn't that kind of put the screws to Mr. Boogie??


Don't watch the movies and you'll be fine. The movies are his gateway.

Don't move out and you'll be fine. Just haunted for the rest of your life if you're willing to go through with that.

No kids, no one for Bughuul to come after.


Perhaps not as long as you don't clock Bughuul, Professor Jonas said that people were believed to be abducted into the images themselves, but children were especially vulnerable. So he could go for adults living in the house

The symbol that you sent me isn't a pentagram.' Sinister


The whole point about the boxes/scorpion/snake is that the evil entity finds ways to make you discover them and become curious. The character Hawk portrays is definitely the kind of person who would be interested - that's why they made him a true crime writer.

Sure there's no guarantee he'd watch it, but eventually someone will. That's why there's 30 years between murders sometimes. Also, if he didn't watch it, there'd be no movie anyway, so...

'Get yourself a real dog. Any dog under 50 lbs is a cat and cats are pointless' - Ron Swanson


Sure there's no guarantee he'd watch it, but eventually someone will.

Not in the format they were in. Most people today wouldn't know how to setup a film projector and would throw it and the film reels straight into the garbage can. The fact that the reels were given mundane names like "Family Barbecue" wouldn't help pique anyone's curiosity.

That's why there's 30 years between murders sometimes.

The murders started in the 60's and there were several of them, so there couldn't have been a 30 year separation between them.

