MovieChat Forums > Sinister (2012) Discussion > When are we going to see the end of thes...

When are we going to see the end of these movies?

Seriously, another haunted house/loud sound/jump scare movie?
Why do they keep doing this?
It was never scary and now it's laughable, plus these movies get a *beep* of bad reviews and opinions, who watches them? What's the target audience, does the target audience like it?
I can't get it through my head


I can't get it through my head why you think your opinion is a fact.


Where did he say his opinion is a fact?


He presents his opinions as the way "it is".


u don' have to turn it off early




he splices the ends back on when the movies r "re-materialized" out of the fire that took them when the thought he could run from the evil he was harbouring

but u don't rilly get 2 nyo c it all
maybe the DVD has like
out takes
the complete

Mr Boogie

O, & the target aduience is
peeps with imagination
peeps what empathize
Peeps that have been down some paths

Sheeple with the baaaaaaaaadddd daddy & or momma what whoops[ed] 'im til'in' they bled

what was it that footballer in yer fly over states saith
"I don't beat my children til they bleed, anymore. & you shouldn't either."

so them's --- they'd probably like this

that kinda thang
happens a lot more tan most wood admit

neant peut absorber auto


I'm glad this movie angered you enough to create a profile here just to complain.


They make a *beep* load of money on small budgets.

There were three of us in this marriage


Personally I really liked Sinister (I watch A LOT of horror movies and Sinister is pretty good by today's standards). But to each their own, from what I've seen in reviews, many people think Sinister is a bad rip-off of The Ring (which is a movie I didn't really like at all).

Treachery is the inevitable result of all affairs. ~Cigarette Smoking Man, The X-Files


"When are we going to see the end of these movies?"

Right now. Because all you have to do, is just stop watching them.
You whinny, little moron.


Have you considered that you may be too old for this sort of movie? What you say is old is not for young teens who have just began seeing them. All the horror flicks that scared you in the beginning were probably not better than this movie. You were just younger.


Have you considered that you may be too old for this sort of movie?

I'm 54 and still love horror movies, even if I'm not as scared by them as I was at one time. I guess that doesn't make me "too old?" (I'll be honest, though, I'm already not too crazy about kids on my lawn . . .)


these movies will end when they quit turning a 45 million dollar profit. only 3 million dollar budget?? friday the 13th movies were lousy after the first one, yet they continued to pull in the cash. remember blair witch, 40,ooo to make and it grossed almost 200 million. and spawned an endless supply of "found" footage movies.
