MovieChat Forums > Sinister (2012) Discussion > Couldn't they give that poor kid a hairc...

Couldn't they give that poor kid a haircut???

Ellis's son has longer hair than most GIRLS!

What the heck kind of look were they going for, pure 1970s??

Just saying.

I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus.
Didn't he discover America?
Penfold, shush.


and blamed it on the ghosts?


I think he was supposed to be a rocker or something.

When he was organising his room when the family moved back to the old house, he was playing some rock music that had a bit of a '70s sound and feel. so yeah, I think they (or the character) was supposed to be going for a '70s look.

But...He should have had a hair cut anyway. Damn hippie.


Those concerned over the appearances of others are emotionally feeble.


That' would mean 99% of society is feeble. We live in a society where appearance means more than it ever has. People judge your appearance when you go to a job interview, when you go on a date, when you are trying to make a sale, etc. Good or bad, appearance does matter. And for the record, I would make that kid get a haircut if he was mine. But he isn't mine so it's not my place to make him. But I would make him get a Butch Davis haircut if I adapted him lol. ( butch Davis is the head coach of TN)
