Sounds awful

So, cop becomes high school coach and then during one of his lessons proves jesus really existed and all the kids think he's cool.
Am I far off?
To me this sounds like yet another simplistic religious propaganda story which will make believers cheer and be happy they've found a safe movie to show their kids but it will annoy the bejeezus out of everyone else.

I'd like to know in advance if this is what happens, because if it is, I can acoid it.

Complaining about mistakes is almost as bad as complaining about complaining about mistakes.


Dear Undutchable (or did you mean Untouchable and forgot how to spell it),

The Investigator is a true humbling experience for a movie. It has truth and meaning compared to perverse and pointless movies that are out there.

I hate you feel it may be a waste of your time to watch and that you will avoid watching it. There are to many people that are "assuming" things in the world today and in doing that you miss out on so many wonderful things. Please refrain for everyone's sake in rating or commenting on anything you have no knowledge of. If you haven't watched the movie then you have no right to rate or comment on it.


I meant Undutchable, as I am Dutch.

I will not rate this film, I will comment on whatever I feel commenting on though.
I did not rate this film, I did not judge it, I was simply making sure this was not religious propaganda.
If it is, it just isn't my cup of tea.
Reading between the lines of your comment, it seems it is not the kind of movie for me and I'll be avoiding it.


I'd like to know in advance if this is what happens, because if it is, I can avoid it.

Another "I hate it event though I didn't take the time to see it" post. What a surprise. 

I do appreciate the post, as posts of this type are an automatic add to my ignore list.

Ignoring politics doesn't mean politics will ignore you.
-Pericles paraphrased in <100 characters


I clearly stated that I didn't see it and that I do not hate it.
I simply asked if that is what the movie was about so I wouldn't have to go see it.
I'm not basing my dislike of the movie on me not seeing it.
