MovieChat Forums > Phantom (2013) Discussion > Turned out to be a helluva good movie

Turned out to be a helluva good movie

We had planned to skip the movies over weekend but found out about Phantom. Good and fun film. Not a dry eye in the house at the end, but in a good way.


ITA with you Loved the ending.


We're very glad you liked the movie. Thank you for seeing it and for posting. Ed Harris, David Duchovny and William Fichtner are wonderful in it.


Hey what about Johnathon Schaech?
He was outstanding..!!!!
Credit where due guys


You're right JustJoyce, Johnathon Schaech was great! In MHO the whole cast was awesome.


I really enjoyed this movie. I thought everyone did a very good job. I loved Duchovny as the bad guy, although he really wasn't. He was just someone who believed strongly in what he was doing. I would love to see this again


I loved Duchovny as the bad guy, although he really wasn't. He was just someone who believed strongly in what he was doing.
That's the way it is in real life -- there are no movie villains, only people who are so convinced of their righteousness that they've lost their moral compass. Even hitler believed the holocaust would make the world a better place.

More recently, see Dick Cheney in the documentary, "The World According to Dick Cheney" who was so convinced of the existential threat of terrorism that he thought it necessary to lie to and manipulate just about everyone into invading Iraq in order to protect the US from that threat.


Agreed. Great and haunting ending.


My parents saw the film and loved it. My father is talking about it until now.

They are huge David Duchovny´s fans since the X-Files and loved his performance completely different from Hank Moody from Californication.


I thought the ending was incredibly corny and sappy, but the rest of the film was quite enjoyable.


Some of my friends in Apple Country (Upstate NY) went over the weekend. I suggested they post or twitter real reviews. They laughed. Here's what they'd post if they didn't hate the Net. Trolls beware - all 10 people who went liked it. Oooooh. (Spelling etc from emails etc)

- "A thriller for grownups... sic of the twihard crowd. Audience our age for once."

- "Lurved the main actors & got to see cool actors I've never seen. They weren't hard to look at, either, like the blond guy." (... a college dgt)

- "More detailed & well dun than what we thought from some lameass reviews. Want to get the DVD to watch again without sneezy & belchy."

- "Worth the money. Can't say that about most of the *beep* we sit through. Could have done without flu-guy."

... Will post more if I get them. At least the small turnout meant no cell noise. Maybe a trip to an MD (don't know why they didn't move from sick guy.).


I liked the film aside from the ending. It was fantastic up until the final shots and it felt like a real let down. Either way, still going to give it 7/10. It was awesome seeing Mulder/Hank again (Can't spell his last name) and Fitchner is awesome as always.

Death is the standard breach for a complex prize.


Yep, the very ending (and the very beginning) reeked of "movie of the week" cornball.
But just about everything in between was top notch.

The only thing that really bothered me plot-wise was how did they get the alternate launch codes? They were safely locked in the safe and the captain was willing to let his people be shot rather than open the safe and then next thing you know the hunter-killer sub was shooting at them and Mulder was reciting the new launch codes and the missile took off...


Whole movie was terrible, not only unoriginal, but the imitation wasn't even good. Here's a thought...if the Americans are invincible, who cares if they get in a war with China? Not Russians, not even Americans dressed up as Russians


Enjoyed the movie myself.. Great acting and suspense. My initial reaction to the ending as it was unfolding was "oh no, not this!", ..but as the scene progressed, I actually thought it was somewhat touching and tastefully done. Been waiting for another good submarine thriller to come out, and Phantom was up to the task.

Sex and golf are the two things you can enjoy even if you're not good at them.


After seeing the movie a few more times on disc, it's even better. Don't miss this movie.
