If you hate Glee

Then a few questions

1) Why are you on a IMDB message board about a Glee movie?
2) Why do you care if someone else enjoyed the Glee movie
3) Why are you bashing a movie that you haven't seen, simply because it's part of a show you don't like?
4) Why the hell are you reading this? Seriously you should be on a different page instead of pointlessly trolling the one dedicated to a movie based on a show that you don't watch
5) Why is your taste better than mine? (I ask this because so many people who hate glee mock those that like it, so clearly they must believe they have better taste than those of us who enjoy glee, so I'm curious how you come to that conclusion)

Answer at your will haters




1). I like to hear what the Glee nerds like about this crap (totally blows me away!)
2). I dont really care, i just wonder how can they like it.
3). I like to see peaople standing up for something they like!
4). I already answerd tht in one DUHHH
5). I dont recall saying my choice of tv is better then yours, we just dont have the same tastes. Kinda like all these new stupid cop shows, in my opinion there are way to many of them



1) So after you hear what we like about this show, why do you stay?
2) If you don't care, then why do you wonder? Wondering about why they like the show implies that you care because you want an answer, someone who doesn't care wouldn't want an answer
3) Understandable to an extent, but why come to a Pro-Glee page and bash he show when there are so many more things you could do with your time?
5) Yes but why are they crap? To me by calling Glee crap (And some people go far beyond that, calling people who like it stupid) while praising other shows, gives the appearance that you believe your tastes in TV to be better than mine... this is not meant to be specifically at you, it's a very general statement i'm making here




Ok i dont want to get into a fight this only for number 5
Sorry for calling it crap, but all im saying is tht i dont like this show, but you and many others like it and im fine with it. I dont mean for my tasts to be better then yours in any way man.
Plus sorry for calling you a nerd.



I'm going to answer number one. Maybe I can give some perspective... maybe not. I'm a huge Glee fan. I love the music. I love the dialogue. I love the humor. Most of all though, I relate to it. I relate to it more than any show or movie that I've ever watched. Do I think it's the "best show ever"? No. But, like I said... I relate. I WAS one of the Glee kids growing up. I was the nerdy girl who was in the choir, in the drama club, in the band... and I got picked on mercilessly. I was overweight, I didn't dress right, I got good grades (which in my school was a bad thing apparently). For most of my growing up, I would go home crying every night. The ONE thing I had was... I could sing. If it wasn't for those activities I was in... I'm not kidding when I say... I could have been suicidal. When I wasn't with those people, in the safety of those activities, I was miserable. Now... I perform and sing for part of my living. I've developed a confidence in myself that I never had back then. What I love about Glee, is that it celebrates the underdog. It celebrates those kids that were ME back then. The kids who were put down and left out and picked on... it gives them a voice.

And the other reason... it brings attention to the importance of the arts in public schools. There are so many schools that are losing funding and doing away with choir, band, drama... everything that basically saved my life growing up. Schools all over the country are adding show choirs to the repertoire... because of Glee. I think that's an amazing and wonderful thing.

And honestly, when people trash Glee... I almost take it personally. I know that seems silly and stupid... but I see myself so much in these characters.

So that's why this Glee nerd loves Glee.


What fun is a discussion board if there is not discussion, and just blind allegiance? Hasn't anybody ever taught you that nobody what you think you should learn both sides inside and out?


Was this directed towards me? Because for one, it has nothing to do with what I said, and for two, this...

"Hasn't anybody ever taught you that nobody what you think you should learn both sides inside and out?"

Doesn't make any sense.


Because this isn't Facebook and I can't just click the "Like" button, just wanted to say I like your comment. I have no issue with people not liking Glee, but I find it annoying and baffling that people would waste their time going around to boards for shows they don't like (or movies or actors, etc.) and writing hurtful things. They are entitled to not like it just like we are entitled to like it. We (or at least I) don't go around to other boards to say "Hey Survivor fans, you're stupid because you like this show" because I have better things to do with my time. Though truthfully I rarely read IMDb message boards because people that use them tend to be cruel for no reason. But anyway, long story short, I agree and wonder the same things all the time. :)


People on this site just need to calm down i mean its only a tv show or movie, not the end of the world



I have a love/hate relationship with Glee and I did not come here to bash it. But I'll give it a go...

1) Why are you on a IMDB message board about a Glee movie? To insult it. This is a message board, not a fan club.
2) Why do you care if someone else enjoyed the Glee movie? Nothing wrong with enjoying it, as long as you know it's exploitative crap
3) Why are you bashing a movie that you haven't seen, simply because it's part of a show you don't like? Because if they don't like the show they sure as hell won't like the movie.
4) Why the hell are you reading this? Seriously you should be on a different page instead of pointlessly trolling the one dedicated to a movie based on a show that you don't watch? Trolling is half the fun.
5) Why is your taste better than mine? (I ask this because so many people who hate glee mock those that like it, so clearly they must believe they have better taste than those of us who enjoy glee, so I'm curious how you come to that conclusion) 'Taste' is subjective and anyone who argues against that is an objective dumbass.

"You will get precisely the news you deserve if you accept mediocrity."
Nick Clooney


I love Glee, but I can tell you answers to #1-5 will always be "because I'm a troll and enjoy riling people up about stuff they like just to see them blow up defending it"

The internet created trolls, and sadly they will never go away. Enjoy what you enjoy and don't let the trolls get you down.



Not saying they can't, I'm merely wondering why? Why go on a board of something you hate, why even go near a thing you hate. The best thing you can do about a movie you don't like it to simply leave it along and move on with your life instead of wasting part of it bashing something you don't like. In my opinion, wasting your valuable time typing out hatred on something you have the option of not watching is truly idiotic and a spectacular waste of time.

Oh also, it's a simple word that many people use and considering that the people I was referring to are those who hate the show, the term 'Haters' seems rather apt in this particular situation. I suppose I could've used "those who dislike this program" or even "Annoyed personages" but I felt Haters was more direct, and a single word does not now nor will it ever alter my level of intellect and one single word doesn't make me look like a moron... what does make someone look like a moron, is using attacks on the person asking the question rather than actually answering them.





Sorry, you lost me there.

Noway234-1, I just wanted to clarify for you, this is not a "pro-Glee page". It is simply a message board on the topic of (in this case) the movie Glee 3D... There are fan sites out there designed just for people who are fans. This is not it.

Just to help you better understand why some people might come here (who is not just a troll), sometimes when people watch a movie or a show, they have a strong reaction to it. So much that they want to discuss that reaction and see whether other people had the same reaction they did. Whether it was that they loved what they saw, or thought it was the worst thing they saw all year, or disgusting, or inspiring, or impressively boring. Humans inherently like to discuss their opinions with other humans. As others have mentioned, everyone will have differing opinions on the same piece of material.

Try not to take offense when someone doesn't enjoy the things you love, and try not to let them take away any of your enjoyment of it. You (as you know) are free to love it as much as you want, and you will find others who will share your sentiment. I always respect others who don't agree with me, although I find it very juvenile and a sign of who people really are if they just feel a need to call others names and say rude and insulting things to them in order to try and nail their point across. It really is an ineffective way to change someone's mind, and just makes that person look ignorant and uneducated.

To each their own...opinion


Because many of the complainers are the one who would throw Slurpees on the fans.
I could complain. I only enjoyed the singing, and skipped most of the rest. But I'm old, and the high school madness wasn't written for adults. Because it wasn't a show for us oldies.
So really, why complain about someone else's show! I watched it every week, and took what I liked. After the first few years, I tired of the stories. But 6 seasons is a damn good run for any show!
