
I don't get it? She snatches the money and then what? I thought she might have planned to go to the airport so he would follow her, but it just ended suddenly.

Good film up until the ending, but I felt there wasn't really an ending?



If you seen the original Pusher, Frank is a much more unsympathetic character. He treats the girl (who's named Vic) very badly throughout the film. Her betrayal, at the end, is almost justified. In the remake, it feels like she does it out-of-the-blue.

Also, in the original, Frank rips-off a body-building drug dealer and in the final scene, shows him preparing to go after Frank. So, the ending of the film, we don't know if Milo or the Bodybuilder kills off Frank. Or if Frank just simply leaves town.

In Pusher 2: With Blood On My Hands, Milo asks Tonny if he's seen Frank around. The director sort of leaves it up the audience of what happened to Frank.

These were the biggest problems I had with the remake. The characters were no that fleshed out and the film felt more Guy Richie-esque

I recommend watching the original Pusher trilogy.

Duct tape. I need it for... taping something.


Yeah agree with the above post. It's designed to be an ambigious ending in the original, however here they make it even more so. Is especially poor the way it just cuts after the weird double take of him starring through the cab window. In the original they labour more on him standing there alone thinking through his options, splicing in shots of the people who want to kill him, leaving you to decide what he does....


I appreciate the clarification. I had some questions about the ending, but your summary from the first confirms my conclusions.

As far as him not treating her badly, I kinda liked the subtly. The ultimate betrayal comes when she realizes that he doesn't care about her at all, but only his own problems. It is in that moment that she makes her final decision on Frank. Also the tear is a reminder of his contempt for her earlier in the film when he won't touch her because she's a "whore".

I thought it was a decent film--perhaps too stylized--but didn't realize it was a remake.


What I took from the ending was Flo took Frank's money to go start a life in Spain, leaving Frank unable to go pay Milo, thus saving Frank's life. In the end it all works out for everyone.


Great observation. I watched it this morning wondering about the end. Thanks!


Actually the ending is intentionally left open, just like the original, but as for Flo there are two things that could have motivated her in taking the money.
One being that she had a heroin problem, so a large sum of cash like that could support that habit, even if it was at the expense of Frank
Two could be that she KNEW Frank was gullible and walking into a trap, so decided to inexplicably take the money from him, saving him from facing Milo and ultimately his death.

*Freedom is the right of all sentient beings*


I liked the ending and interpreted it as a betrayal of Frank as well as a realization he was stupid / gullible / self-destructive..
