MovieChat Forums > Bachelorette (2012) Discussion > Who's playing the bride?

Who's playing the bride?

Also, they should change the title to avoiding looking like a bridesmaids rip off.

What if a squirrel wants a sausage?


I read somewhere the bride will be played by Rebel Wilson


First it was Casey Wilson but then she had to drop out because of scheduling conflicts, I guess. Rebel Wilson has replaced her.

Re Bridesmaids, I think it's the other way around. Even though this movie is currently being filmed, the Bachelorette script has been around since it was included in the 2008 Black List. It's an adaptation of a hit off-Broadway play.


of course they will be compared because both are about a group of bridesmaids and both revolve about crazy stuff happening in the bachelorette but yeah this one was long time ago circling hollywood desks, but it got greenlit only after bridesmaids became a hit.

I Walk Like This Cause I Can Back It Up


Whatever. Wasn't it a show on Broadway? I haven't really been paying attention to this board.
1. James Marsden said that it will be re-titled. To what, he didn't say.
2. He is playing the Best Man.
That was on the Chelsea Handler show that he said 1 and 2 above.

I'm now editing myself but leaving my original words above.
Bachelorette does not look like it will be retitled. It has been accepted into the Sundance Film Festival, and I doubt they'll re-name it now.
It was an OFF-Broadway play, from what I've read.
In one of the Sundance advance promotion pieces, I read that this and another "female" comedy are looking very good.
There's been a good deal of very positive advance publicity and commentary.
That's very good news.
It's also supposed to be "raunchy."
James Marsden has handled "raunchy" before, but I can't tell if he will be part of that.
I've seen some of the photos made during the shooting, shot at different places in NYC, and I can't figure out the plot, except that the wedding looks like it takes place in Prospect Park, Brooklyn. I don't know if it will be identified as such, but that's where they filmed it.


It'd be funny if Dunst were playing the bride, so soon after Melancholia.

She's ruined my wedding. I will not look at her.
