weird plot hole???

When the male stripper (Isla's co-worker) is stripping for Rebel Wilson and calls her pig-face.... uhh, why? Just why would anyone say that to anyone's face the night before their wedding? I mean, he was performing for them, he didn't know them... it just didn't make any sense? Couldn't the writers have come up with a more believable way to get the family and friends and bridesmaids out of the room and to bed? How would the dancer have even known that was her high-school nickname? I just don't get it.



hmmm i guess it just seems weird. Seems like a very manipulated plot device, but whatevz.


I wouldn't say it's a plot hole.

It's obvious from that moment that Katie had been talking about Becky, saying her nickname in high school was pigface.

He said it because he thought he was in on the joke. If your with someone who's constantly talking about someone else using nickname, eventually you'll say it yourself.


When Becky was freaking out, Katie said "I thought it would be funny" and made it quite obvious that she told him to say it...


I'm pretty sure Katie or the others told him that name and he didn't mean anything bad by it.


I agree with others, either the stripper was told about the nickname and he thought it was common coin among all the friends, or he was indoctrinated enough with it and it even just popped out.

What surprised me really was Becky's reaction ... surely if she was so ecstatic about getting married to the best catch in school and had weathered years of having been called pig-face, she would not have become so thin-skinned and huffed off to bed with her entourage. However, that did get everyone out of the room, so, yes, it appears to have been a plot device. After all, the movie was about the three bridesmaids who very nearly ruined the wedding. Things were a little uneven up there at the front when none of them made it to the dias.

However, if the writer is a really good writer, what he (or she ... or they) did is let the spirit of whatever they were writing determine the plot. So, who knows ... maybe that is what the character of Becky really did. After all, if she had won the heart of the most handsome man and was marrying him despite all her fears, maybe she had finally discovered a little self respect. So bravo to her ... and the writers for managing to the hone in on the B's!
