Worst movie of 2012

The first 45 minutes is spent bitching about the "fat girl" getting the guy and all throughout the movie are simply bad fat jokes (and mean, since they're coming from the supposed "best friends")

Rebel's normally sparkling personality isn't even allowed to shine in this flop and Kirsten Dunst's bitchy character comes out as forced and flat.

I was very, very disappointed that I wasted $5 buying this movie On Demand, but thankful I didn't see it in theaters.


you fat?


Nope. You ignorant? Yup.


So your best friend is fat and you feel her pain


LMFAO good interchange


this movie sucked major league balls


This may be one of the worst movies of all time! It's like they said, "let's take the fat girl that was funny in Bridesmaids, and make something similar, and people will see it." What a steaming pile of crap! I can't believe they even made it, and I can't believe some of the actors that participated. How the hell did snaggle tooth butter face Kirsten Dunst get into the movies?


Every time I see a "Worst movie of the year/decade/ever" message, I immediately think "Come on, it's a bad movie but I have seen many worse..." or "Come on, at least there are a couple of good scenes or songs".
Not with this movie. I watched it four days ago and still haven't thought of a movie worse than this one.

Worst movie ever? Maybe it is, yes.


I liked it a lot! Hilarious, Isla Fisher stole the show.

Most recent first view:
Free Fall - 8.5/10


storyline and acting hurt my brain


Iron Sky
The Devil's Carnival
Pitch Perfect
Beyond the Black rainbow
Best Laid Plans
Wrath of the Titans

"Weirdness was all he cared about. Weirdness and sex and plenty to drink."


This was freaking awful!!! I am glad I was on fast forward some times!!!

Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn!


Did you see 2012? Haha.
